Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering







你是否以过程为导向,并且一直在追求让事情变得更好、更有效率? 在凯特林,我们为您准备在生产和加工的各个阶段的有趣的工作.

不像其他工程学科,将技能应用于特定领域, 工业工程是一个跨学科的领域,为你在各个行业的工作做好准备. 我们的本科学位和硕士水平的课程涵盖了广泛的主题, including lean manufacturing, supply chain management, quality control and mathematical optimization. 

You’ll learn to systematically integrate customer needs, technology and economic and social factors for industrial, service and governmental organizations.

Kettering’s unique Co-op program 让您在与UPS等行业合作伙伴一起获得学位的同时,应用您的技能并赚钱, DTE Energy, and various government agencies and contractors.


传统的工业工程仅限于制造业:今天的情况已不再如此. 你的学位给了你在各行各业工作的灵活性, including aerospace, agriculture, alternative energy, health care and entertainment.

  • Entry-level industrial and engineering jobs include:
    • Business and Systems Integration Analyst
    • Compliance Manager
    • Ergonomist
    • Methods Process Analyst
    • Supply Chain Analyst
    • Workforce Optimization Manager
  • 凯特林学院的校友在密歇根州及其他地区的一些大公司工作,包括:
    • Asahi Kasei Plastics North America
    • BASF Corporation
    • Dow Inc.
    • General Motors
    • Umicore USA Inc. 
    • Stellantis

根据美国劳工部的数据,到2029年,工程领域的就业增长预计将增长10%.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Industrial engineering salaries are on the rise, too—industrial engineers average over $95,000 annually.


你会改善工作场所的安全或减少主题公园游乐设施的等待时间吗? 开发创新的新工艺,尽量减少生产浪费,或与地方官员合作,扩大公共交通? 工业工程学士学位是为像你这样想要解决影响日常生活的大大小小的挑战的人准备的.

What is Industrial Engineering?

Simply put, industrial engineers make things better. 这是一个跨学科领域,将物理和社会科学与工程原理相结合,以改进流程和系统.

While industrial engineers can’t predict the weather, 它们可以解释气候数据,以减轻供应链故障,或为世界各地的人道主义救援工作组织物流. Industrial engineers are natural problem-solvers. 

What will you solve with your degree?

Degrees and Programs Degree type
Bachelor's/Master's Degrees Pathway
Bachelor Concentration Minor Master Online Master Certificate Online Certificate
Bachelor Master Online Master
Bachelor Concentration Minor Master Online Master Certificate Online Certificate
Bachelor Master
Engineering Management
Bachelor Concentration Minor Master Online Master Certificate Online Certificate
Industrial Engineering
Bachelor Concentration Minor Master Online Master Certificate Online Certificate
Bachelor Concentration Minor Master Online Master Certificate Online Certificate
Manufacturing Systems
Bachelor Concentration Minor Master Online Master Certificate Online Certificate
Mechatronic Systems
Bachelor Concentration Minor Master Online Master Certificate Online Certificate
Mobility Systems
Bachelor Concentration Minor Master Online Master Certificate Online Certificate
Robotic Systems
Bachelor Concentration Minor Master Online Master Certificate Online Certificate


At Kettering, we believe you learn best by doing. 我们的目标是帮助像你这样的学生获得必要的技能,成为一名成功的工程师.

Co-op Model

在获得运营管理学位的同时获得现实生活中的工作经验. 你将学习作为一个学生,但作为一个专业与我们的行业合作伙伴之一. Learn more about the Kettering Co-op.

Senior Design Project

在最后一个学期创造性地解决一个现实世界的问题, open-ended problem alongside a team of engineers. 你将确定一个项目工作计划,并在书面和口头报告中分享你的发现.

State-of-the-Art Labs



From manufacturing to health care systems, 工业工程师在不断提高我们的日常生活质量方面发挥着至关重要的作用,减少人力资源浪费,以及几乎介于两者之间的一切.

当你在凯特林获得学位时,你的教授会教你如何做到这一点——还有更多. 从你在校园的第一学期到毕业前的期末项目, 凯特林的教师将挑战和激励你思考更大. 一些教授进行研究,总是感谢学生的额外帮助.

凯特林是一个包容和协作的环境,有成长的空间. Join us. 了解我们的学生如何塑造未来多样化的工程劳动力.

Current faculty research areas

  • Alternative energy infrastructure 
  • Modeling/simulation and statistical analysis
  • Energy-aware production systems
  • Ergonomics and human factors
  • Human-computer interaction
  • Production/logistics systems


教育是对你未来的投资,也许是你一生中最重要的投资. 在凯特林,我们希望尽可能透明地了解成本——获得学位并不便宜. But it may be a lot less expensive than you think. Here’s why:

  • Generous Financial Aid: 99%的凯特林学生获得助学金、贷款和/或勤工俭学的机会. 你可能有资格获得每年8500美元到17500美元不等的奖学金. 有针对工程专业的奖学金,也有越来越多的基于需求的奖学金,专门针对那些代表性不足的学生.
  • The Kettering Co-op: Earn while you learn. 平均而言,学生在整个课程期间的收入在4.5万美元到7万美元之间. And that money is in addition to whatever scholarship, 基于需求的援助或你可能有资格获得的其他经济援助.


你准备好为你的工程事业迈出下一步了吗? 如果你对学习感兴趣,请不要犹豫与我们联系.

Meet the Faculty